Missed most about deer season

I miss: Filling my backpack with what others may see as weird for a girl to carry around. But I see as essential, because it’s hunting stuff… Like deer pee and a grunt call.

I miss: The anticipation as I put each layer of camo on.

I miss: The silent bursting of excitement as I walk to my deer stand. Checking for change in scrapes and tracks.

I miss: The way my gun feels… The weight of it bobbing with each step, slung over my shoulder. The surprise when the tall barrel sometimes flings a low tree branch behind my head.

I also miss: The balanced grip as I carry my bow. The knowing it is a primal but comfortable extension of my arm for the next few hours.

I miss: The over awareness of the breeze… as I am peacefully perched in my stand with senses turned on full blast.

I miss: Muscles aching after shivering with cold and eager suspense.

I miss: The confidence gained, as I loosen the tight hold I had on my bow. As a young buck reveals himself… stops to nonchalantly munch around my treestand… I let him go, to grow.

I miss: The walk back to the truck in the darkness… Thankful to get to share my hunting highlights with my husband.

This Iowa girl loves hunting, there’s nothing like it.


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